Today is a very tried and sad day i feel very stress up and sad about somethings and i want to meet some of my best friends Jonathan, Elaine, Yuhao and of cos MX. and today alone i cant really do anything well and what ever things i do, nobody will care to listen and talk to me and give me feedback about the poster and i feel so sad and hopeness, like no one is there to encourage me, but i was wrong! i sms jonathan, elaine, yuhao and MX they really encourage me. and i sms a very stupid things to jonathan. "Pray that God will take me up to heaven as fast as possible" jonathan reply, something that i dont want to say. lets put this aside keep on walking. there are some of the picture taken today by my phone.
MX, Elaine, Yuhao and Jonathan my friends!!

this is my second time people take picture for me!! and will not be the last

There all for today i will update again tomorrow
Letter TO GOD
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