Friday, September 22, 2006

HAPPINESS IS Activity with Purpose

Chapter 6 Activity with Purpose

Happiness is activity with purpose. And purpose, like everything else in the universe, begins in the heart of God. Whether you realize it or not, God has a direction for your life, a divine calling, a path along which He intends to lead you. When you welcome God into your heart and establish a genuine relationship with Him, He will begin – and He will continue – to make His purposes known.

Have you ever felt that you were just spinning your wheels? Just going through the motions? If so, you know that there’s no fulfillment in purposeless living. Your job, therefore, is to keep searching for God’s purpose in your life… and to keep searching until you find it. Discovering God’s unfolding purpose for your life is a daily journey, a journey guided by the teachings of God’s Holy Word. As you reflect upon God’s promises and upon the meaning that those promises hold for you, ask God to lead you throughout the coming day. Let your Heavenly Father direct your steps; concentrate on what God wants you to do now, and leave the distant future in hands that are far more capable than your own: His hands.

Sometimes, God’s intentions will be clear to you; other times, God’s plan will seem uncertain at best. But even on those difficult days when you are unsure which way turn, you must never lose sight of those overriding facts: God created you for a reason; He has important work for you to do; and He’s waiting patiently for you to do it. So why not begin today?

Taken from DR. A.R Bernard book HAPPINESS IS...

pls pray for me i having abit fever.

Letter TO GOD

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